Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Abdul Halim (1887-1962)

K.H. Abdul Halim (born in Majalengka, West Java, June 26, 1887 - died May 17, 1962 at age 74 years) is Indonesian heroes who fought in the struggle for independence from Indonesia to defend the Dutch Military Aggression. In defending the independence of Abdul Halim based Ceremai mountains to face the Dutch Military Aggression II with a guerrilla war. He led the Dutch military deterrence in the region of Cirebon Residency. He, in order to participate in the preparation BPUPKI Indonesia's independence as a member BPUPKI. 

KHAbdul Halim was one of the nation's independence fighters who came from West Java and has a big hand in preparing for the birth of the Republic of Indonesia. Muslims leaders are adalahi members BPUPKI (Investigation Agency Efforts Independence Indonesia). On the merit of devotion as one of the founders of this Republic KH.Abdul Halim then obtain MAHAPUTERA MAJOR STARS honors from the President of the Republic of premises.
Abdul Halim was born on June 26, 1887 in the Village Sutawangi, Jatiwangi District, West Java Majalengka. He is the youngest son and Nyi Hj.Siti KH.Iskandar Mutmainnah, of seven siblings. His family background is known devout in religion, even his mother was a descendant of Sultan Sharif Hidayatullah.Therefore, it is not surprising that education concerning the Islamic religious instruction, it was acquired at an early age, and at the age of 21 years after graduation from boarding school in Majalengka in 1908, his pilgrimage to Mecca and then settled as she adds scientific insight. HalimSepulang KH.Abdul activity of Mecca, he founded an organization named Majlisul Ilmi. With this vessel he actively fought Islamic teachings in the development of broadcasting. A year later (1912) KH.Abdul Halim refine Majlisul Ilmi into a larger organization with the name Hayatul Qulub whose activities are in addition to working to improve the quality of education also encourages people's economic activities, especially in facing the competition of foreign businessmen who dominate the market also against Dutch oppression against the people who squeezetheir labor. Hayatul Qulub printing company pioneered the establishment, construction, weaving factory and agricultural development efforts. An interesting thing is the application of system ownership shares perusahaanbagi teachers are actively teaching. In the field of social, KH.Abdul Halim founded an orphanage Fatimiyah.Organisasi Hayatul Qulub not very long since closed by the Dutch government to disturb security reasons. However, Halim KH.Abdul stay persistent and never give up the activities of struggle remain berjalan.Baru in 1916 stood as the engagement Oelama organization (PO) as a substitute Hayatul Qulub. 1924 engagements Oelama growing and almost reaching to all parts of Java and Madura. IN 1939, socio-educational organization has reached almost all regions Indonesia.Salah one activity that stands out is a program of aid to students by establishing I'anatul Muta'allimin. Between the years 1917-1920 have been built 40 Madrasah, mostly in Java, with modern teaching methods, which at that time opposition from various parties. In IX Congress of the PO, KH.Abdul Halim create ideas to build a cabin boarding school, where students learn not only religion but also trained in various crafts and skills. 
This idea received a positive response that ultimately stand boarding school known as Santi Asromo.

Title of National Hero
Title of national hero was given to Abdul Halim coincide on Heroes' Day commemoration on 10 November 2008. This decision was conveyed by Minister of Communications and Information United Indonesia Cabinet, Muhammad Nuh on November 2, 2008 in Jakarta based on Presidential Decree No. / TK/2008 (6 November 2008).

Achmad Soebardjo

Achmad SoebardjoMr. Raden Achmad Soebardjo Djojoadisoerjo (born in Karawang, West Java, 23 Maret1896 - died December 15, 1978 at age 82 years) is Indonesia's independence hero, diplomat, and a National Hero of Indonesia. He adalahMenteri Foreign Affairs of Indonesia's first. Achmad Soebardjo holds Meester in de Rechten, obtained at Leiden University in The Netherlands in 1933. 

Achmad Soebardjo was born in Bay Jambe, Karawang, West Java, dated March 23, 1896. His father was Teuku Muhammad Yusuf, still the royal line of Pidie Aceh. Ahmad's grandfather paternal Soebardjo are scholars in the region, while Justin Joseph is a civil servant with the rank of Police in the Gulf region Mantri Jambe, filigree. Ahmad's mother named Wardinah Soebardjo. He Javanese-Bugis descent, and is the son of the Head in Telukagung, Cirebon.
His father initially gave him the name of Justin Abdul Manaf, while his mother gave him the name of Ahmad Subardjo.Djojoadisoerjo added his own name as an adult, when he was detained in prison Ponorogo because "event July 3, 1946". He went to Burger Hogere School, Jakarta (currently equivalent to High School) in 1917. He then continued his education at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands and obtained a diploma Meester in de Rechten (currently equivalent to a Bachelor of Law) in the field of legislation in 1933. History of struggles
While still a student, Soebardjo active in fighting for the independence of Indonesia through several organizations such as Jong Java and the Indonesian Students Association in the Netherlands. In February 1927, he became the representative of Indonesia along with Mohammad Hatta and experts Indonesia movements in the trial between nations "League Against Imperialism and Colonial Oppression" the first diBrussels and later in Germany. In the first trial was also Jawaharlal Nehru and the nationalist leaders, famous from Asia and Africa. When the return to Indonesia, he was active as a member of the Board of Inquiry Business Preparation of Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI). And on August 17, 1945, Soebardjo sworn in as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Presidential Cabinet, Indonesia's first cabinet, and again served as Minister of Foreign Affairs once again in the year 1951 to 1952. In addition, he also became BesarRepublik Indonesian Ambassador in Switzerland between the years 1957 to 1961. In the field of education, Sebardjo is professor of history of institutionalization and Diplomacy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Faculty of Literature, University of Indonesia. Death
Ahmad Subardjo Djoyoadisuryo died at the age of 82 at the Pertamina Hospital, Kebayoran Baru, due to flu complications.He is buried in home peristirahatnya in Cipayung, Bogor. The government lifted the deceased as a National Hero in 2009.