Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Djoeanda Kartawidjaja

Djoeanda KartawidjajaIr. R. Djoeanda Kartawidjaja (New spelling: Juanda Kartawijaya) was born in Tasikmalaya, West Java, January 14, 1911 - died in Jakarta, 7 November 1963 at the age of 52 years adalahPerdana Minister of Indonesia to the 10th and last. He served from 9 April 1957hingga July 9, 1959.After that he served as Finance Minister in Cabinet Work I. 
Greatest contribution in his tenure is Djuanda Declaration of 1957 which states that Indonesia is the sea, including sea around, between and within the Indonesian archipelago into a single unit or area known as the Unitary Republic of Indonesia as an archipelago in the law of the sea convention of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) [1]. His name is immortalized as the name of the airport in Surabaya, East Java, namely Juanda Airport for his services in promoting the construction of the airfield so that it can be done. It is also enshrined for forest botanical name in Bandungyaitu Forest Park Ir. H. Djuanda, in this park are the Museum and Monument Ir. H.Djuanda. Juanda Jakarta died on 7 November 1963 because of heart attack and was buried in the TMP Kalibata, Jakarta. Based on Presidential Decree No.244/1963 Ir. H. Djuanda Kartawidjaja appointed as a national figure / hero of national independence.

Background and Education

Ir. H. Juanda was born in Tasikmalaya, 14 January 1911, thecouple's first child and Nyi Raden Kartawidjaja Monat, his father was a teacher at Hollandsch Inlansdsch Mantri School (HIS).Completed primary school education in his school and thenmoved to Europe for young people Europesche Lagere School(ELS), graduating in 1924. Furthermore, by his father put intospecial secondary schools of the Europeans is Hogere Burger School (HBS) in Bandung, and graduated in 1929. In the same year he entered the School of Engineering (Technische HoogeSchool) now Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in Bandung,majoring in civil engineering and graduated in 1933. During his youth Djuanda active only in non-political organization and a member of the Society of Pasundan Muhamadiyah, and once thehead of Muhammadiyah schools. Lived next career employee of the Department of Public Works as a province of West Java,Dutch East Indies since 1939.


Ir. H. Djuanda a state servants and public servants. He was an exemplary public servant. Career in various positions of service to the state and nation. Since graduating from the Technische Hogeschool (1933) he chose to serve in the community. He chose to teach in high school in Jakarta Muhammadiyah with modest salaries. In fact, at that time he was offered a teaching assistant at the Technische Hogeschool with higher salaries.After four years teaching in high school Muhammadiyah Jakarta, in 1937, serving in government service Djuanda Jawaatan Irrigation in West Java. In addition, he is also active as a member of the Regional Council of Jakarta.After the proclamation of August 17, 1945, precisely on 28 September 1945, Juanda leads the youths took over the Railway Bureau of Japan. Followed takeover Bureau of Mines, Township, residency and military objects in the Warehouse North Bandung.Then the government of Indonesia raised Djuanda as Head of the Railway Bureau in Java and Madura. After that, he was appointed as Minister of Transportation. He also had served as Minister of Water, Wealth, Finance and Defence. Several times he led the negotiations with the Dutch. Among the RTC talks, he acts as Chairman of the Committee for Economic and Financial Delegation of Indonesia. In talks this RTC, the Dutch government recognized the sovereignty of Indonesia.Juanda had captured the Dutch army at the Military Aggression II dated December 19, 1948. He was persuaded to willingly participate in the government of the State Pasundan. But he refused.He was a man of the country and the people who work beyond the call duty. Able to face challenges and find the best solution for the sake of nation and country. The most strategic work of devotion is the Declaration Djuanda December 13, 1957.Ir. Djuanda by the press dubbed the 'minister marathon' because since the beginning of independence (1946) has served as undersecretary of transportation to become Prime Minister and Defense Minister (1957-1959) to become First Minister in the period of Guided Democracy (1959-1963). So from 1946 until his death in 1963, he served once as a young minister, 14 times as a minister, and once served the Prime Minister.She was a flexible leader. In some ways he sometimes disagreed with President Sukarno and other political figures.

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